
Public Forum with BOE Members

We’re hosting a public forum entitled “Defining Success in our School System: An Interactive Discussion with Board of Education Members” on Tuesday, May 17th, 7:30 p.m. in the Wagner Room at the high school.

Audience members will have an opportunity to submit questions. At the BOE’s own meetings, members of the community have an opportunity for public comment, but not for Board members to answer these questions during the meeting, due to governing regulations.

This forum will allow the public to learn about current priorities, issues and challenges, and to gain an understanding of how our elected officials view their position and their responsibilities as the stewards of education in New Canaan. The League is proud to sponsor this opportunity for community conversation.

Hospitality Chair, Sara Hunt, has asked that if anyone can bring some refreshments to the May 17 meeting, such as fruit platter, cheese and crackers, appetizers, or cookies or brownies, it would be appreciated.  Refreshments can be delivered to the Wagner Room after 6:30 p.m.  If anyone would like to volunteer to help put out the refreshments and clean up, that would be welcome, too.  Please call or email Sara at 966-3313, or skhminky@optonline.net to sign up.

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