
We're Celebrating our 90th Anniversary

Board of Directors National League of Women Voters Chicago Convention, February 1920 Top row: left to right: Miss Katherine Ludington, Hartford, Conn. Director 1st region; Mrs. Richard Edwards, Peru, Indiana,treasurer; Miss Della Dorth, Nashville, Tenn., director 3rd region; Mrs. George Gellhorn, St. Louis, MO. Vice chairman and director 6th region; Mrs. James Paige, Minneapolis, Minn., director 5th region; Mrs. Solon Jacobs, Birmingham, Ala., secretary.Lower row: left to right: Mrs. Maud Wood Park, Boston, President 1920-24; Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout, Chicago,chairman hostess committee; Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, New York, honorary chairman.

First LWVUS President, Maude Wood Park, on right ,at the first convention.

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