
Open Space Update

At our September meeting, Conservation Commission Chair John Rice provided a look at the status of Open Space in New Canaan. Mr. Rice said that New Canaan’s Open Space is at 10% of its acreage (including water company land; 7% without), a total comparable to that of Darien, Westport, Greenwich and Wilton. The two and four acre zoning in New Canaan creates more “openness” than in Darien and Westport.

Mr. Rice said that it was important for New Canaan to take a proactive management of existing open space and to have conversations about issues related to potential land acquisitions. Opportunities and funding for large acquisitions are limited; small parcels contiguous to existing open space may hold the most promise. He noted five areas in which he felt that discussion should occur: master plan for all parks covering use and conservation; mechanisms for setting aside of Open Space; policies for philanthropy; establishment of Open Space fund; greenways; and natural resources inventory.

The Open Space map of New Canaan is available at newcanaan.info on the Conservation Commission’s page.

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