
President's Letter

Dear Members,

The year comes to a close with a bang, as we host noted author, professor and humorist Regina Barreca as our guest speaker at our annual meeting. Come see for yourself why the Ridgefield and Westport Leagues have brought her back several times to standing room-only audiences.

We’re busy thinking about ways to engage more of our members in the life of the League. Please come to the business portion of the annual meeting and give us your thoughts!

We hope to see you in April as well, at our program on “The Greening of New Canaan,” where we will hear from top experts about energy-saving features in new buildings and ideas for sustainability initiatives our town might consider undertaking.

As we close out the year, let me say “many thanks” to the phenomenal women who make up our Board and who have worked so hard to put on our programs and activities. A particularly large shout-out to Sally Halstead, who is moving out of New Canaan. How dare she!
Seriously, we will miss Sally’s energy, enthusiasm and friendliness immensely and wish her all the best in her new life.


Jane Himmel

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