
President's Letter

        I’m sure we’ve all made resolutions for the New Year. Here’s one I’d like to add to your list: consider giving a bit of your time to the League of Women Voters in New Canaan. We’ve got a small, but dedicated corps who get all the work done for us, and we’d love to find a way to integrate more members into our efforts. Whether you’d like to make a token contribution of your time, or prefer a more sustained involvement, please know that we want to hear from you. Our annual fundraising appeal will also be appearing in your mailbox soon, so that is another way to add your support.
        The past year was one of continued engagement for the League with the issues that concern us, most particularly in New Canaan. High on the agenda has been the issue of land use and community development. Our public forums received widespread acclaim for helping to educate residents. Our study group continues to explore the communications and decision-making process.
        What’s most interesting for the League members who get involved in planning and attending our events is the chance to be engaged on an intellectual level with a group of diverse and interesting people. Because the League bases all its actions on research that first explores issues with an open mind and on an in-depth basis, we are able to create a community of people who may not be like-minded on all issues, but who can come together to create an informed consensus.
        Consider adding your voice and your opinions to this process. Our lines are open! --- Jane

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